Your Abundant Reality Is Waiting!
Traditional Starseed Healing Navigates Human Ascension
Are You...
Experiencing energy shifts?
No longer finding meaning in your days?
Stuck in your comfort zone?
Needing better connections/support?
Emotional shifts with Seasons?
Sensitive to your surroundings?
Wanting to grasp a sense of Self?
Questioning your reality?
Activating your Chakras?
Recognizing your Intuitive Gifts?
If you answered YES to any of those questions my services and Life Coaching programs are for you!
Greetings Beloved Soul!
Are you a Starseed who needs navigation being human? I am your Human Ascension guide!
When it comes to aligning with your most abundant reality I'm your Ascension Life Coach! Each Life Coaching Program offered I have not only created but first hand experienced the benefits of reaching personal goals.
In these programs you will experience dimensional shifts...
In how you connect with your Earth Star Chakra. This dimension is length. A thought has length collected from the Earth Star Chakra. Learn to reset your thoughts to align with what you want to create on this planet.
1st Dimension
In how you create the Auric Field around your body. An accepted thought enters your Aura. Your Aura creates a boundary with what is your soul and what is not your soul on this planet. We create energetic boundaries in this dimension.
2nd Dimension
In how your physical body and Chakras interact on this planet.Learn to harmonize your thoughts (1D), Spirit (2D), and body in this dimension. A new sense of freedom is found throughout your Chakras.
3rd Dimension
In how you perceive time. This dimension is entering the Spiritual Plane. Helping build your energetic foundation on this planet to have the ability to Timeline Hop. Strengthening relationships with Spirit Guides and Higher Self.
4th Dimension
Everything Included in The Galactic Plan
What separates this plan from the rest are the included Galactic Shamanic Journeys. Having sessions of personalized Astral Projection to guide you in your new reality. Meditation, Astral Shamanic Alignments, Readings, Chakra Care, and Divination Intuitive strengthening are all included. This plan aligns your 3D Chakras to your 5D Chakras
These are monthly prices. A Life Coaching Program is a 3 month long contract.
Life Coaching Programs
Monthly Plans
Cosmic Benefits
Hiring an Astral Shaman For The Season
Bring a professional life coach to navigate your goals and aspirations. Specializing in Astral Alignments and Chakra Health through Cosmic Care Sessions!
Confront Trauma
Spark Inner Flame
Relationship with Spirit
Balance Energy
Healthy Boundaries
Owning Your Energy
Human Ascension Programs
To be a Starseed living a human life was a choice you made eon's ago. Your Divine Self chose a lifestyle of healing's and human experiences to gain further wisdom on Earth. Here are classes to assist your energy within each Dimension.
3D Reality/4D Spirituality Chakra Ascension
Root Chakra Health
Sacral Self-Care
Soul Callings
Power of the Heart
Soul's Compass
Visionary Liberation
Entire Program $1750 or $300/Class
5D Reality/7D Spirituality Program
Soul Star Release
Spiritual Purpose
Universal Extraction
Galactic Grace
Digesting Divinity
Entire Program $1500 or $350/Class